Odjel za nastavničke studije u Gospiću

Cultural and Public Action

In addition to its teaching, scientific, artistic and professional activities, the Department of Teacher Studies in Gospić, as the only university institution of higher education, is recognizable in its Lika environment and in a number of cultural events and public activities. The Department has presented itself to the general public through the years with a variety of cultural activities. Each year, the Department adopts a Plan for the Popularization of Science and the Arts. In accordance with this, activities are continuously carried out through participation in the Science Festival and a number of other activities such as lectures, workshops, performances, exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, meetings with artists and scientists, visits to scientific, educational and cultural institutions in the town of Gospić and Croatia.

The Department continuously cooperates with a number of educational, cultural and scientific institutions and associations fostering a collaborative relationship and opening the way to various forms of project work and an interdisciplinary approach. In this regard, their cooperation with the Primary School dr. Jure Turića in Gospić is particularly important. The Teacher Education Program envisages professional-pedagogical practice that takes place at the primary school (training room) with mentor-teachers and the head of the professional-pedagogical practice. In addition, the cooperation of the Department with all teaching faculties in the Republic of Croatia and a number of other higher education, cultural institutions and civic associations in Croatia and abroad, as well as with a number of cultural, educational and scientific institutions in Gospić and with local self-government units (the City of Gospić and the Lika-Senj County) is of significant importance. Cooperation with the following institutions is of particular importance: The State Archives in Gospić, the Independent Public Library in Gospić, the Ivo Pilar Institute, the Gospić branch, the Museum of Lika in Gospić, the Diocese of Gospić-Senj, the Public Open University of dr. Ante Starčević, the Cultural Information Center of Gospić, Matica hrvatska, the Gospić branch, Nature Park Velebit, National Park Plitvička jezera, Cave Park Grabovača, the Civil Society Our Children from Gospić and the Parents’ Association of Children with Disabilities Pčelice.

Through its many years of high quality teaching, scientific, artistic and professional work, cultural activities, promotion of the teaching vocation and collaborative relationships, the Department of Teacher Studies has been recognized in the local community and has received many thanks, awards and recognitions.