Dodi Malada is an assistant professor (scientific field – social sciences, field of kinesiology) at the Department of Teacher Studies in Gospić, University of Zadar, where she is the holder of the course: Kinesiological Culture 1, Kinesiological Culture 2, Kinesiological Culture 3, Kinesiological Culture 4, Basics of Kinesiology, Development of Kineanthropological Characteristics of Students, Elementary Games in Classroom Teaching, Kinesiological Methodology 1, Kinesiological Methodology 2, Kinesiological Methodology 3.
She participated in the implementation of the experimental procedure in the project MZTS "Efficiency of kinesiological treatments in the period from 7 th to 10 years", led by prof. dr. sc. Ratko Katic.
She also participated in the project "Anthropological research of biomotor development and kinesiological activities, led by prof. dr. sc. Ratko Katic.
Working in the school, she proved the justification of the application of certain, specific contents of application in physical education classes, which resulted in the publication of about 20 scientific and professional papers and active participation in international and domestic conferences.
For many years she has been engaged by the Education and Teacher Training Agency as a leader of professional workshops and seminars, and within that she has done dozens of professional training for educators, teachers and teachers in the Republic of Croatia.
The interest of her work is the integration of dance activities and heritage values into the everyday life of children, but also adults, primarily through education, personal development and awareness of the importance of mobilization of the body in order to constantly improve the anthropological status of each individual.
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