Odjel za nastavničke studije u Gospiću


Sanja Vrcić-Mataija

Sanja Vrcić-Mataija (Humanities, Philology, Theory and History of Literature) is an associate professor at the Department of Teacher Education Studies in Gospić at the University of Zadar, where she is the holder of the following courses: Children’s Literature Genres, Croatian Children’s Literature, Media Culture, Basic Concepts of Literary Theory, Stage Culture, Homeland Literature, Picture Book, Modern Fairy Tale Poetics, Croatian Children’s Novel. She has participated in organizing several local and international scientific conventions and in editing several collections of papers and lexicographical publications. The subject of her scientific interest are literary-theoretical and literary-historical approaches to studying Croatian children’s literature with particular focus on the condition of the contemporary Croatian children’s novel, the matters of the homeland in language and literature as well as cultural peculiarities of the homeland in the context of globalization changes. She has held lectures at around 30 local and international scientific conferences and published around fifty scientific and expert studies regarding the aforesaid area of interest. She is the co-author of the scientific monography Following the Homeland of Lika (with Vesna Grahovac-Pražić) and the author of the scientific monography Croatian Realistic Children’s Novel (1991–2001) and co-editor of the monograph 100 Years of Teacher Education in Gospić (with Vesna Grahovac-Pražić). She was a collaborator in the project Croatian Written Heritage from the 17th to the 19th Century of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka. She is also a collaborator on the European project EXCOVER Interreg Italy - Croatia: Experience, discover and value the hidden treasures of cities and localities in the Adriatic area.

She is the head of the Department for Teacher Studies in Gospić in the second period (2017.-2021./2021.-2025.).

She is a member of the Croatian Association of Researchers in Children’s Literature.


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